
“Degenerate Art” Database Launched

Berlin’s Free University has gone live with an Internet database documenting the fate of more than twenty-one thousand art works condemned as “degenerate” by the Nazis and seized from German museums in 1937, Bloomberg’s Catherine Hickley reports. The website, the result of eight years of research by art historians at the university, includes works by Franz Marc, Emil Nolde, Otto Dix, Marc Chagall, Max Beckmann, Wassily Kandinsky, and Ernst Ludwig Kirchner. It gives details of the art museums they were seized from and their current location, in cases where it is known and where the work wasn’t destroyed. “We are hoping that this will yield more information about the fate of some of the art, perhaps from private collections and archives,” Meike Hoffmann, one of the scholars involved in the project, told a news conference in Berlin yesterday. “We also want to draw attention to and document the wonderful collections of modern art the German museums had in the 1930s.” For full source and full article click the Headline. Irish Art