One of the newer galleries in Belfast, the Square Space Gallery in Shaftesbury Square is proving a friend of younger and emerging artists. Their policy of helping and nurturing Irish art talent - giving space where many other galleries would not risk spending resources on - is paying off. This latest offering - "About 12" is no exception. Linking up with top Irish art site www.IrishArt.com, they invited applications for a mixed show to artists on the site. Hundreds applied and the difficult decision to select "About 12" has resulted in a selection of artists with real promise, This eclectic mix of talented artists are at different stages of their careers - but most could be said to be “emerging.” Their work represents exceptional value for money. Visit this show on the opening night on Thursday 11th of September between 5pm-9pm and choose a work from the real Irish Art talent of the future. A unique opportunity to purchase quality artists before their prices rise.
"About 12" - Irish Emerging Artists
Square Space Gallery - Belfast - 11th Sept - 11th Oct 2008
34 Shaftesbury Square, Belfast Tel ; +44 (0) 2890 200850
(For full source and full article click the Headline).
Irish Art